
Ghost Candy & Display Stand

Diamond Post Medal for All Time! 1,298 Posts
September 24, 2020

Ghost Candy & Display Stand - ghost display part of a Halloween decoration including a sign and pumpkinIf you have lollipop candies this would be even easier to transform into a ghost. We like Lindt chocolates (but with any circular/ball candies you can use this method).


Optional: If you don't want to use candy and just do this for decorative purposes you can scrunch up paper, foil, cotton balls, anything you'd like to achieve the ghost for making your decoration.

Total Time: 20 minutes


  • tissue paper
  • glue stick
  • stick (cotton stick applicator)
  • ribbon
  • googly eyes
  • Sharpie
  • candy
Ghost Candy & Display Stand - supplies


  1. I used a cotton stick applicator, so I cut off the cotton.
  2. Ghost Candy & Display Stand - cut the cotton tips off
  3. Tape candy to stick.
  4. Ghost Candy & Display Stand - tape stick to round candy
  5. Cut a piece of tissue paper (my tissue paper measures 7" x 8"/double layered) and place candy on stick in the center.
  6. Ghost Candy & Display Stand - candy laying on layered tissue paper

  7. Bundle and secure with ribbon.
  8. Ghost Candy & Display Stand - tying ribbon around the top of the stick to make the ghost
  9. Kept it simple for the kids with goggly eyes and a smiling face.
  10. Ghost Candy & Display Stand - add googly eyes
    Ghost Candy & Display Stand - draw on a smiling mouth with a Sharpie
  11. Repeat until you have enough.
  12. For displaying purposes, I flipped over this mesh rectangle container, covered it with tissue paper and stuck the ghost candies in the mesh holes. If you don't have this type of container you can always use a cardboard box and make sure to poke the hole smaller than your stick so you can push your candies inside.
  13. Ghost Candy & Display Stand - metal mesh rectangle backet
    Ghost Candy & Display Stand - ghosts stuck through the bottom of the container

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