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Hen and Chicks Growing Tall? - hen and chicks plant getting ready to flower

Hen and Chicks Growing Tall?Are the hens suppose to grow on top of each other and tall like the picture shows?


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Fish Pond Is Green?My fish pond is green. I treated it with algaecide, but it didn't help. I have plants in it and just added tadpoles and snails. Is there anything else I should do? Or do I just wait and let them work?


White larvae in a potted plant.

What Are These in My Potted Flowers?What are these in my potted flowers? They are more brownish color, the flash made them look whiter. Also what's the best way to get rid of them?


A wasp carrying a cicada.

Monologue Of A Killer WaspThe killer wasp is considered a beneficial insect in that it helps to control the cicada population thereby reducing the damage done to deciduous trees. Read on for an informative and original wasp monologue imagined by the author.


A pink rhododendron in bloom next to a white picket fence.

Choosing Acid Loving Garden PlantsChoosing garden plants that will thrive in your soil can help ensure a beautiful and successful gardening experience. If your soil is acidic, consider choosing from the acid loving suggestions offered below, including rhododendrons, azaleas, and more.


A fountain sculpture with two koi jumping.

Converting Dolphin Fountain Sculpture Into KoiThe tip on this page explains how to modify a garden fountain sculpture to match your pond concept.


A long pipe pointing to the ground, for use in planting seeds.

Use a Pipe for Planting SeedsRather than bending over to plant seeds in a long garden row, consider a pipe planter. Two versions are offered on this page with the new and improved one using a length of PVC pipe and a funnel.


A green plant with spiky flowers and long leaves.

What's This Plant?I was wondering what plant this? This is the first time that it's grown by our yard in the 10+ years that we've lived here. If it helps I live in PA.


An oriole on a branch.

Identifying SongbirdsEven if you are not an avid bird watcher it is fun to identify these garden visitors. Noting size & shape, color pattern, behavior, and habitat can help. There are books for your region and apps for your phone available to assist.


A cutting of a plant that has grown roots.

Transferring Seedlings And RootingsIf you reuse the the cell packs from your nursery for starting seeds and rootings, here is a way to easily lift them from the cells before planting. Read on for a good description of this simple process.


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Getting Free Flower Bulbs?Does anyone know where to get free flower bulbs? I live in Chumuckla Florida.


What Is this Egg Nest? - fibrous light colored bean shaped

What Is this Insect Egg Nest?What is this egg nest? I found it in the garden.


Planting a tree in the ground.

Identifying a TreeIdentifying a tree, whether on your property or one you have seen on a walk, requires some research. Trees can be identified by their shape, leaf or needle structure, fall colors, fruit, bark, and other physical characteristics. Some suggestions are offered on this page.


Create A Micro Climate For Rooting Cuttings - ivy cuttings

Create A Micro Climate For Rooting CuttingsRooting cuttings is often done by creating a mini greenhouse using plastic bottles or wrap. This method will work, but too much humidity can be harmful to the cuttings, thus requiring wiping to remove excess moisture. An alternative is to create a micro climate for your cuttings. This method is explained in depth on this page.


What Type of Flower Is This? - large 5 petal flower

What Type of Flower Is This?Can anyone tell me what type of flower this is?



A varigated green and yellow croton.

Growing Croton?Crotons are a popular group of houseplants that can also be grown outdoors in warm humid climates such as Florida. Depending on the variety you purchase, the light requirements vary from high to medium. A northern exposure and temperatures below 60F are not well tolerated by this plant. The more colorful the foliage the more light required. These plants benefit from regular misting or being placed on a pebble tray.


A green plant with heart shaped leaves.

What is This Plant? (Philodendron)The philodendron is a popular vining houseplant, characterized by its heart shaped leaves and thin, flexible stems. It is often confused with a similar looking plant, the pothos.


Potting Shed - countertops

Homemade Potting ShedBuilding a potting shed in your garden is a project that be done by many homeowners. You can even use recycled and repurposed materials to reduce costs. There are plans and kits, or your own creative concepts can be used for its design. Once built you have a useful garden space for potting, preparing plants for transplanting, and storing garden supplies.


A euonymus bush with variegated leaves.

Growing EuonymusThese easy to grow small trees or low shrubs are valuable for garden design. The color-filled foliage of the burning bush is a popular variety.


Sunken Gutters For Flower Border Containers - newly replanted

Sunken Gutters For Flower Border ContainersIf you are looking for an inexpensive, easy way to create a nice narrow flower border for your garden consider rain gutters. The gutters can be placed level with the soil surface for a discrete planter.


Sugar snap peas in bloom in the garden.

Growing Sugar Snap PeasGrowing sugar snap peas is easy. They can be planted earlier than many other garden veggies. The young, flat pods are delicious straight off of the vine. They freeze better than snow peas, thus providing you with a future supply for cooking later in the year. Heirloom varieties and be planted next season from peas dried on the vine with assurance of the same delicious flavor.


File Flower Seeds to Help Sprouting - packet of nasturtium seed and a nail file

File Flower Seeds to Help SproutingSome seeds such as nasturtium have a hard outer seed coating that can slow down germination. For these and similar seeds you can speed up sprouting by nicking the seed coat and filing lightly until you can see the lighter inner seed coat. Soak overnight and plant immediately.


A saskatoon serviceberry bush, with berries.

Growing Saskatoon Serviceberry (Amelanchier alnifolia)?The fragrant drooping white flowers in spring are followed by large bluish purple edible berries. The Saskatoon service berry is a medium to large upright shrub native to North America from Alaska across much of western Canada into the western and north-central US. They prefer full sun, but can tolerate light shade. The extensive root system results in clumps and allows it to being grown as a hedge.


Stacked Rocks in the Garden - stack of rocks in a garden

Stacked Rocks in the GardenStacked rocks make for an interesting focal point in an area of your garden. This is also a fun way to display a rock collection. Especially those of us who can't seem to pass up an interesting or pretty rock.


A rosebud geranium in bloom.

What Kind of Geranium Is This? (Rosebud)The blooms of the Apple blossom rosebud geranium form clusters of densely packed rose shaped flowers in several colors including pink, pink and white, red and more. It is a member of the genus Pelargonium which contains 200 species of flowering plants including perennials, succulents, and shrubs, some of which are know as geraniums.


Something Is Eating the Leaves on My Lilies - white lily flowers

Something Is Eating the Leaves on My LiliesAre the leaves of your lilies being ravaged by some unidentified pests? Insecticidal soap may be one method to treat this issue. Read on for more information.


A patch of phalaris grass growing by some decorative rocks.

Growing PhalarisPhalaris is a genus of beautiful grasses found throughout the world except for Antarctica. It grows well under a variety of conditions. They have broad leaves and a dense spike of flowers.


Protect Ripening Fruit with Newspaper - fruit tree festooned with newspaper wrapped fruit

Protect Ripening Fruit with NewspaperYou can protect your ripening fruit from rabbits, birds, etc. by wrapping the fruit in pieces of newspaper. Wrap it and then staple the paper together. There is still sufficient light for the fruit to ripen.


A tree with a broken main trunk.

Saving a Tree with a Broken Main Trunk?Saving a tree with a broken main trunk may be possible. The rotting portion can be removed and the the cut sealed. However, this is not always successful and sometimes the tree must be cut down.


A green plant with heart shaped leaves in a clay pot.

Growing Philodendron?Philodendron plants are often grown as trailing foliage houseplants. There are upright varieties as well. They lend a bit of a tropical feel to your home. These tropical plants require bright but indirect light, warmth, moist soil, and humidity. In addition to their beauty they are often grown indoors because of their ability to clean the air in your home.



Wild lupine in bloom.

Transplanting Lupine?Young lupin plants or seedlings can be successfully transplanted into a sunny location. Because they have a tap root trying to move older, mature plants is not often successful. If you must try to move a mature lupine, cut back the foliage to compensate for the partial loss of the root.


A cape gooseberry with fruit.

Growing Cape Gooseberry (Physalis peruviana)The cape gooseberry is a native of Peru. The plant is a perennial and is easy to grow, even from seed, and be spread throughout your garden by birds, who really enjoy the berries. It is a member of the genus Physalis in the nightshade family Solanaceae. Ripe berries are safe to eat and provide a good source of vitamin C. They are also a good source of fiber. Like other members of this plant family the unripe berries, leaves, and flowers are poisonous.


Branches of blooming yellow flowers on a tabebuia tree

Growing a Tabebuia Tree?The tabebuia tree or shrub is native to the American tropics and subtropics from Mexico and the Caribbean as far south as Argentina. Most of the species are from Cuba and Hispaniola. They are evergreen in the tropics and deciduous in dry climates. Sometimes called a trumpet tree they are known for their trumpet shaped flowers that can be yellow, pink, and a lavender pink in color.


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Hibiscus Flower Petals Stuck Together?What is causing my hibiscus flowers to fold up like they are glued together?


Plants under a protective screen.

Protecting Garden PlantsYour garden plants may need protection from insects, too much sun, birds, wildlife, and more. Depending on the situation there are a variety of options discussed on this page.


A scoop of pine nuts next to two pinecones.

Removing the Seeds from a Pinecone?It can involve a lot of time when trying to remove seeds from a pine cone. The cone will need to be heated in order to cause it to open and release the seeds. Some tips follow.


A strawberry pot with plants in bloom.

Using a Strawberry PotTerra cotta planters are designed with pockets on the sides to grow strawberries. Many other herbs and garden plants can also be planted in them, to decorate any deck or patio.


A succulent planted a teacup.

Making a Teacup PlanterBeautiful teacups can be upcycled into planters for small houseplants. These make a great gift for someone's office or kitchen windowsill.


Decorative Planter Pots - tree design on red pot

Making Decorative Planter PotsTake any plastic planter pot and paint it to spice up your garden decor. This is a great project for kids and teens and could also be used to decorate a gift plant.


Self-Watering Milk Carton - carton waterer in place

Making a Self-Watering Milk CartonSave your cardboard milk cartons to water your garden slowly. It's great for self-watering for when you go out of town.


A hoya houseplant in bloom.

Caring for HoyaThe hoya is a genus of 200'300 species of tropical plants in the family Apocynaceae (Dogbane). Most are native to several countries of Asia such as China, India, and Thailand. There is a great diversity of species in the Philippines, and Polynesia, New Guinea, and Australia. It is a waxy leafed vining plant with star shaped waxy flowers. In non-tropical areas it is typically easy to grow indoors.


Recycled Wheelbarrow Herb Garden - herbs growing in an old wheelbarrow

Recycled Wheelbarrow Herb GardenAn old wheelbarrow can be repurposed as an herb garden. Many herbs are perennials so you can harvest for years to come. If the barrow is intact you can move it about your yard to maximize sun exposure. Fresh herbs are very flavorful, so this creative recycled planter is something to consider.


Spilling Wheelbarrow Garden Planter - rock lined narrow planter with a tipped yellow wheelbarrow cascading soil and coleus into the coleus planted bed

Spilling Wheelbarrow Garden PlanterSpilling wheelbarrow yard decor and planters are quite popular. The attached photo shows one example of this landscape project using coleus.


Rose Stems Started Sprouting in My Vase - cut roses starting to sprout in a vase

Rose Stems Started Sprouting?Roses can be grown from cuttings. That being said it is possible for the beautiful roses in your vase to begin to sprout and grow new leaves. If you would like to start plants for your garden this page provides some helpful tips.


A potted fern on a white background.

Growing FernsThere are numerous varieties of ferns, each have its own growing requirements. Identifying your fern is the first step. Then you can provide the right growing medium, exposure, and planting site. Some will only do well as indoor plants others are more hardy, depending on their native climate conditions and can be planted outdoors or rotated in and out depending on season.



An elderberry tree in bloom.

Getting Rid of an Elderberry?Elderberries can be very invasive. The suckers need to be removed and then a choice will need to be made whether to use an herbicide or more natural methods for killing and removing this large shrub.


An African violet leaf with new sprouts coming up.

Propagating African Violets from Leaf CuttingsAfrican violets are relatively easy to propagate from a leaf cutting. Follow the steps defined below and start new plants now.


New Retaining Wall and Early Plantings - stacked wall above the original poured wall

Building a Retaining WallAdding a retaining wall to a steeply sloping yard can not only make landscaping easier, but also increase the plantable garden space. Here are some photos of the new stacked retaining wall and early plantings.


Identifying Wild Flowers  - closeup of the flowers on clumping plant

Identifying Wild Flowers?These are some of the flowers I see on my social distancing walks in the neighborhood. Some of them I recognize more or less, but am hoping for more specific information.


two pecan tree sprouts in a pail of nuts

Starting A Pecan Tree From SeedNature always seems to find a way to continue even without our help. Read a fun and interesting description of the birth of a new pecan tree inside a bucket of harvested nuts.


Several pussy willow branches.

Growing a Pussy WillowPussy willows are a fun and easy to grow addition to your landscape. They contain a natural rooting hormone, which makes it easy to propagate your plant.


A cocoon of an insect.

Identifying Egg Casings or Cocoons?Identifying what kind of insect is about to hatch in your yard can be hard to determine. There are many fascinating cocoons to be investigated.


Living Succulent Pine Cone Decor - sitting version

DIY Living Succulent Pine Cone DecorIf you have access to pine cones and succulents, combine them to make these pretty decorations. A succulent needs little water so can survive a long time with occasional misting.


Making a Strawberry Planter from a Laundry Basket - add more soil as needed and plant your choice of plants on top

Making a Strawberry Planter from a Laundry BasketLine a plastic laundry basket with burlap, fill with soil, cut holes in the sides for some of the plants and you have an inexpensive strawberry planter for your garden. Plant the berries and stand by to enjoy delicious strawberries alone or in recipes.


A white laundry basket full of clothing.

Laundry Basket PlantersPlastic laundry baskets make fun holders for outdoor potted plants. Set the pots down inside and create a cluster planting effect.


A hand holding some ripe elderberries.

Harvesting ElderberriesElderberries should be ready for harvest between mid August and mid September. Remove the clusters from the bush and strip the berries from them. One way to quickly remove the berries is with a plastic fork. Refrigerate or freeze.


A pet's grave in a backyard.

Burying a Dead Animal Near a Vegetable Garden?There are mixed views and potential local ordinances that can affect where it is OK to bury a dead animal in your yard and more specifically near a vegetable garden. If allowed in your area be sure to dig a deep hole for the burial. Read on for more details.


Bamboo sticks holding up a tomato plant.

Bamboo Sticks for Plant SupportSlender bamboo sticks can be used in your garden or containers to stake plants such as tomatoes and flowers. They also work for young trees.


Succulent Wreath - filling in the spaces

Making a Succulent WreathA vine style wreath form can be "planted" with succulent cuttings to create a pretty living wreath for your front door or garden. Read on for the instructions, supplies, and some helpful photos so that you can successfully complete this project.


A huckleberry bush with berries.

Pruning Huckleberry Plants?Evergreen huckleberry plants may not require pruning, but if you want to encourage growth and increase berry production, the best time to prune is late winter or early spring. Learn more about pruning your huckleberry below.


Use Old Storage Racks In Your Garden - plants in pots on metal shelves

Use Old Storage Racks In Your GardenHaving shelving to display potted garden plants is easily done. Repurpose some of the racks and shelves you may have been using in your garage, or look for some at a garage sale.


Clearance Plants

Saving Rescued or Clearance PlantsRescued or clearance plants are easy to come by at your local big box stores, nursery, and sometimes from neighbors. If you can identify it, read up on growing requirements, otherwise use your best judgement and some TLC. Several accounts of successful clearance plant revivals follow.


Using Old Sinks As Planters - old sinks planted with succulents sitting up on a garden wall

Using Old Sinks As PlantersGardeners can be so creative when it comes to recycled planters. Old sinks are a good choice, especially for low water use plants such as succulents. Set the sink in soil with the short piece of drain pipe buried and enjoy your salvaged planter.


Use Faux Flower Stems to Support Live Plants - plant wrapped at two places

Use Faux Flower Stems to Support Live PlantsSave the stems of faux flowers used in crafts and use them to support live plants. Their green color will blend in with your live plants and you don't have to buy plant stakes.


A bird with a piece of bread over it's head.

Do Not Feed Leftover Breads to BirdsAlthough many of us have fond memories of feeding bread to ducks and geese, or of Grandma saving bread for the backyard birds, it is now strongly discouraged. Not only are the nutrients unsuitable for a bird's nutrition, but moldy bread can cause a host of health concerns. It's best to feed backyard birds an approved mix birdseed and to let waterfowl find their own sources of food.


A black widow spider in the garden.

Black Widow (Latrodectus) Spider PhotosThe female black widow spider is easily recognizable by the hourglass marking on her abdomen. The males are often lighter in color and exhibit a series of red spots on their abdomen rather than the hourglass shape. This page contains photos of black widow spiders.


A pair of garden clippers next to dead perennials in winter.

Ways for Gardeners to Stay Busy During WinterWinter is not a time for gardener's to have the blues. There are a lot of activities you can engage in that will put the old garden to bed and prepare you for the coming season. Clean tools, read up on gardening, order seeds, try new spices to see if you need to grow your own. Concentrate on your houseplants and perhaps make up some garden decorations such as stepping stones or fun planters. More ideas can be found on this page.


Whey for Healthy Plants - miniature rose

Use Whey for Healthy PlantsMany gardener's use whey to fertilize their plants. It contains nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, and other minerals that are beneficial in small amounts. Too much has the inverse effect and can harm you plants.


Use a Plastic Plate Instead of Flower Pot Saucers

Alternatives to Plastic Flowerpot SaucersPlastic flower pot saucers can seem pricey for what you get. Many of them are thin, flimsy plastic. One alternative is a sturdy child's plastic plate. There are other options as well.


How to Bring Light Into Shady Garden Spaces

How to Bring Light Into Shady Garden SpacesThis page offers several useful tips for adding light to a shady garden space, including the choice of plants, addition of mirrors, lights, and more. Try one or more in a shady area of your garden to create a lighter feel.


Growing a Strawberry Bush  - small slender shrub

Growing a Strawberry Bush?I planted an euonymus americanus last fall. In spring it was full of flowers. The flowers never bore fruit. The plant is about 3' tall, but does not have new growth, branches, or leaves. It is in a semi shaded place.


A stone look garden orb made from a bowling ball.

Making a Garden Orb from a Bowling BallStore-bought garden orbs are often quite expensive. However you can easily make your own from a bowling ball, which are often available at Goodwill.


Bricks being used as a tree ring.

Using Bricks as Tree RingThere are many options available for creating a tree ring. Rather than the curved stone cinder block material or decorative rocks, try clay bricks. You may find that they are less expensive and give you a look that you prefer for you garden.


Bamboo Garden Gate - bamboo covered metal garden gate

DIY Bamboo Garden GateThis page contains the instructions for adding a bamboo finish to a weathered chain link style gate. This is a great way to reuse and enhance an existing garden gate.


Seedlings in a recycled plastic container.

Using Plastic Containers in the GardenAll sorts of plastic containers, tubs, and bottles have a place in your gardening activities. Use recycled bottles to add lightweight bulk to planters. Tubs and containers are useful for starting seedlings and as planters in their own right. Learn more about using plastic containers in the garden on this page.


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Reviving a Frozen Christmas Cactus?I received a Christmas cactus last year and worked on it all year and have been patiently waiting for its 1st bloom. We had an unexpected freeze and I didn't think to bring it inside. It's wilted and I have no idea how to save this beautiful plant so that it's ready to bloom at Christmas.


A metal birdbath.

Repairing a Metal Birdbath?Over time metal birdbaths can become rusty or even develop holes and leak. In order to repair the bath in either of these situations you will need to research your options and the time and cost involved. This page offers some suggestions for repairing a metal birdbath.


A ladybug on a brown leaf.

Allowing Ladybird Beetles to Hibernate for Winter?If you are lucky enough to have some ladybird beetles, aka lady bugs, decide to overwinter in your home this page contains some very helpful tips for making them welcome.


Bushes covered up for the winter.

Protecting Plants in the WinterMany outdoor plants need or can benefit from some level of winter protection. Depending on the plant and the winter weather typical for your area there are varying things you can do to protect your plants.


A French drain in a backyard.

Planting Over a French Drain Pipe?In order to not damage your french drain pipes, you will want to select plants with shallow roots. This page offers some advice about planting over a french drain pipe.


A philodendron scandens vine with green heart shaped leaves.

Distinguishing Between Pothos and Philodendron?Pothos and philodendron plants can often be confused for one another. If you are having difficulty differentiating between the two when trying to identify a houseplant there are some helpful tips and links on this page.


Using Bird Feeders for Houseplants

Using Bird Feeders for HouseplantsThe wooden bird feeders that are readily available at bird shops and department stores can be repurposed into planters for your houseplants. They are perfect for small hanging plants.


A grassy fenceline with no discernible plants.

Weeding Along a FenceWeeding along a fence line can present its own problems, as the fence can make it difficult to remove the weeds. This page contains a suggestion for preparing your planting area with future weeding in mind.


A backyard with a very small lawn.

Advice for Small LawnsSmall lawns may actually need more consideration when it comes to landscaping. Too many plantings can make them look cluttered. This page contains advice for working with small lawns.


A brown crepe myrtle leaf.

Crepe Myrtle Leaves Turning Brown?If the leaves on your crepe myrtles are turning brown you will need to do some sleuthing to determine the cause. A cold snap may be the culprit. Too little water in the summer is another cause. For potted trees, check soil moisture. Many nursery plants are root bound. Consider replanting. Quick attention when you crepe myrtle leaves start to turn brown generally can save your tree or shrub.


Inexpensive Grow Light - grow light with bent shade

Inexpensive Grow Light IdeasBuying grow lights for seed starting and other indoor gardening activities can get pricey. This page contains ideas for inexpensive grow lights.


A colorful cactus with small pups on the side.

Growing Cactus from Pups?Certain cactus can be propagated by removing and planting the pups produced by the main cactus. Others require special handling to propagate from cuttings. These may need to be grafted to another cactus. Do some research before attempting to grow cactus from pups, for best results.


An old wooden painted chair being used as a decorative planter.

DIY Planters From Recycled MaterialsMany ordinary items can easily be turned into fun planters. The possibilities are endless!


Plant fertilizer being measured out into a cup.

Remembering When to Feed PlantsComing up with helpful ways to remind yourself to fertilize your plants will ensure a consistent schedule of feeding and healthier plants.


PVC Pipe as Garden Support/Stake - PVC tree supports

Using PVC Pipe as Garden Support StakesThere are a variety of materials that can be used to support your garden plants. Whether you need to tie up a tree, shrub, or large flowering plant consider using pieces of PVC pipe. They are durable and can easily be cut to the length you need.


Hide the Plant Saucer Inside the Pot - cut down container inside a flower pot

Hiding Plant Saucers Inside PotsIf you don't like the look of potted plant saucers give this tip a try. Cut down a sturdy plastic container and place it inside your planter. This hidden saucer will not detract from your decorative pot.


Firethorn berries and leaves.

Growing Pyracantha (Firethorn)The pyracantha or firethorn is an evergreen shrub native to Southwest Europe eastward into Southeast Asia. They resemble and in fact are related to cotoneaster. Bright red orange berries stand out in contrast to the green serrated leaves. Numerous thorns line the branches. This page contains information on growing pyracantha or firethorn.


New Sod Dying - large brown area where grass should be

New Sod Dying?I just replaced a few 10ft. × 10ft. sections of my lawn with some common fescue sod. It needed some regrading of the soil height for drainage purposes. So when I removed the old grass, I made sure to turn the soil up to around 10 in. deep fertilized it and tamped it down to a firm but not solid turf. Then I soaked it down, bought my sod from a reputable nursery and installed it to industry specs.


Shaping a Weeping Pussy Willow Tree - tree in pot inside

Shaping a Weeping Pussy Willow Tree?When pruning a weeping pussy willow tree, use garden pruning shears. They are a member of the group of plants that can best be defined as those that, you prune after they bloom. This pruning cycle ensures that you don't cut off the new grow that will produce the fuzzy catkins the following spring. This page offers ideas for shaping a weeping pussy willow tree.


Free Flower Pots at Lowe's Garden Center - shelves with plastic pots

Finding Free Pots At Garden CentersIf you are looking for free pots, check with the garden center at your local hardware store.


Identifying Insect Eggs - rows of eggs on a piece of wood

Identifying Insect Eggs?Found these eggs on a piece of sleeper wood lying in the yard. Anyone know what they might be? When rubbing one a turquoise colour liquid came out. The eggs are copper metallic in colour.


Red leaf Japanese maple

The Significance or Meaning of a Japanese MapleI actually found out a tree story about my brother and his new wife. I guess her grandparents got a tree for one of their wedding gifts and it was a Japanese Maple so wherever they moved to they would dig up the tree and take it with them. So, I thought that might be a good idea.


A snowball bush in full bloom.

Growing a Snowball Bush?The snowball bush is an easy to grow type of deciduous viburnum. They are native to Europe, Northern Africa, and Central Asia. They do well in full sun to part shade. With spring come the lovely flowers that give this bush its name. Read more on this page about growing a snowball bush.


DIY Moat to Keep Ants Out of Hummingbird Feeder - twist the other end for the top

DIY Moat to Keep Ants Out of Hummingbird FeederIt is delightful to watch the hummers as they visit your feeder. But that feeder also attracts ants and bees. Learn how to construct a DIY moat to keep the ants out of your hummingbird feeder.


A hummingbird drinking from an iced feeder.

Iced Feeder for HummingbirdsTake your hummingbird feeder and freeze it overnight. This is a refreshing treat for your backyard visitors on hot summer days.


A plant cutting with plastic wrap and a rubber band holding it together.

How to Ship Plant CuttingsSharing plant cuttings with friends and family is easy. Follow the instructions on this page describing how to ship plant cuttings using a wet paper towel, plastic wrap, and a rubber band.


Growing Schefflera (Umbrella Tree)Umbrella tree is a popular houseplant with two varieties commonly found. One type, Schefflera actinphylla, is a tropical plant native to Australia, Java and New Guinea. A smaller version, Schefflera arboricola, is known as Hawaiian umbrella tree and is commonly used for bonsai. It is native to Taiwan. Both are considered an invasive species in tropical places like Florida and Hawaii.


Save Money On Pansies - pansy seedlings in hanging baskets

Growing Pansies From SeedYou can save money by growing pansies from seed. They will need a light loamy soil, high in organic matter, that is kept moist, in order to germinate. This is a page about growing pansies from seed.


DIY Hanging Envelope Planter - planter hanging on the fence in the yard

DIY Hanging Envelope PlanterThis DIY planter is an envelop style made from chicken wire and lined with moss. It looks quite nice hanging on your fence or elsewhere in your garden. Learn how to make your own by following the steps and their accompanying photos on this page.


A bamboo stick in a tomato plant.

Bamboo Sticks for Plant SupportYou can use bamboo sticks instead of a cage for tomatoes. It's a cheaper alternative and you can put the sticks anywhere, not just for tomatoes but for other plants, flowers, trees, etc. as well.


Green elephant ears leaves.

Growing Elephant EarsElephant ear tubers may need to be dug up each year to survive the winter season. They can be grown in a pot or directly in the soil when all danger of frost has passed.


Hydrogel beads in yellow, blue and green.

Growing a Houseplant in Water Beads?Moving a small houseplant to water soluble beads will require very gentle handling and rinsing of the developed roots.


A houseplant with an upside down jar over the top.

Using Glass Jars as ClochesCloches are useful for keeping delicate plants from drying out. The glass jar will trap any moisture inside, allowing it to condense on the glass and then drip down into the soil.


Reuse Garlic Bag as Soap Bag being used to wash hands.

Reuse a Mesh Produce Bag as a Soap BagTake your mesh produce bag for garlic, onions or citrus and repurpose it for washing dirty hands outside. Hang it near an outdoor sink or faucet where it can drip dry when not in use.


A beautiful bunch of flowers for Mother's Day.

Use Sprite to Preserve Cut FlowersSprite, 7Up, or other citrus based sodas help extend the freshness of cut flowers. The acid from the citrus improves the uptake of water keeping them hydrated and the sugar adds a food source. So use full-on citrus soda, not diet, and enjoy that bouquet longer.


Plastic Bottle for Rehydrating Indoor Plants

Using Recycled Plastic Bottles for Rehydrating Indoor PlantsFill any empty recycled plastic bottle with water and upend it in a potted plant. This is a great way to keep your indoor plants hydrated during the summer or a vacation.


seeds on table

Hybrids and Heirlooms ExplainedWhen shopping for garden plants, it can be confusing to know whether hybrid or heirloom varieties will be best. Both have advantages and disadvantages so a combination will suit most gardens best.


Organic Fence for Vertical Gardening

How to Build a Vertical GardenIf you don't have a lot of space for gardening at your home, consider planting vertically. This wooden vertical garden doubles as an open fence and would be good to add privacy or camouflauge a less pretty part of your yard.


Metal Head and Footboard for Your Garden - blush headboard with sign

Using a Metal Headboard and Footboard in Your GardenIf you have an old fashioned brass or metal bedstand, upcycle it into a different kind of bed. Using a head and/or footboard in your garden beds will add a touch of whimsy to your yard.


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