
Making a Halloween Pom Pom Garland

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October 15, 2015

Halloween Pom Pom GarlandThis fun garland is created with homemade pom poms and fancy paper drinking straws!



  • orange yarn ($ )
  • small pom pom makers
  • black and white paper straws
  • twine
  • embroidery needle (large eye)
  • scissors


  1. Open one half of the pom pom maker and begin wrapping yarn around it, working your way from one end to the other. Continue wrapping until it is almost full and there is only a slight arched space in the middle. Then close that half and repeat in the other half.
  2. Halloween Pom Pom Garland
    Halloween Pom Pom Garland
    Halloween Pom Pom Garland
  3. Use scissors to cut through the center of the wrapped yarn, along the groove. Repeat on the other side. Cut a length of yarn and pull it firmly into the groove, bringing the ends together. Tie a tight knot. I like to wrap the yarn around a second time and tie another knot. Cut off the excess yarn.
  4. Halloween Pom Pom Garland
    Halloween Pom Pom Garland
    Halloween Pom Pom Garland

  5. Open the two sides and separate the pom pom maker to release the pom pom.
  6. Halloween Pom Pom Garland
    Halloween Pom Pom Garland
    Halloween Pom Pom Garland
  7. Take a length of yarn and make a knotted loop in the center. Then wrap it around the middle of a larger pom pom and tie tightly in place. Cut off excess yarn.
  8. Halloween Pom Pom Garland
    Halloween Pom Pom Garland
    Halloween Pom Pom Garland
  9. Measure straws and mark 3 equal sections. Use scissors to cut straws.
  10. Halloween Pom Pom Garland
    Halloween Pom Pom Garland
    Halloween Pom Pom Garland
  11. Determine how long the garland will be and cut a length of twine accordingly. Then mark the center of the twine with a marker. Use an embroidery needle to string the pom poms and straw segments. Note: I chose a pattern of smaller pom pom, straw, larger pom pom, straw, and so on. I also chose to leave extra twine hanging down on each end and finished the ends with a smaller pom pom and a knot at the end of the twine (see photo below).
  12. Halloween Pom Pom Garland
    Halloween Pom Pom Garland
    Halloween Pom Pom Garland
    Halloween Pom Pom Garland
    Halloween Pom Pom Garland

  13. Create slip knots after the last pom pom on each end and hang. Then hang the center pom pom by the yarn loop.
  14. Halloween Pom Pom Garland
    Halloween Pom Pom Garland
    Halloween Pom Pom Garland


October 10, 2016

This festive and frugal garland is made from orange pom poms and drinking straws. Learn how to make it in this short video.

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