
Theme Ideas For Church "Trunk or Treat"?

We are having a "Trunk or Treat" at our church and I am in need of a cute theme to go by! I want it to be so my family can dress up like the theme!


Debra from Savannah, GA

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September 29, 20080 found this helpful
Best Answer

Since it's being held at your church I'm assuming you don't want scary things like witches or vampires and the like. Our church has done this for several years, but they left the theme for the trunk decorations up to the individuals. Were you wanting an idea for your trunk or the whole event?

How about scarecrows? There are all sorts of ways to make a scarecrow and/or scarecrow costumes. We usually have a Fall theme for the event. That gives everyone a little more variety as far as costumes are concerned. We did the scarecrow thing once. I painted a large clay pot to look like a peice of candy corn with a silly face on it. We used it for the treats. We had a scarecrow sitting on the edge of the tailgate of our van.


We had draped a dark blue fabric behind the back seat and make it look like the night sky (stars and moon attached). Then we put a bail of hay in the trunk and some pumpkins. It turned out really cute.

Another time we used a winter theme with stuffed snowmen and a small sled. We used that white sparkling cloth that they sell for under the Christmas tree to make it look like snow. Another person used a 1960's theme with all the wild colors and fabrics. You could be a "Flower Child". Those are just a few ideas. If you want more just contact me and I will be happy to give you some. Judy in Alabama

October 8, 20080 found this helpful
Best Answer

Our church is hosting a trunk or treat as well this year. And just this morning, my kids and I decided on a Noah's Ark theme. I'll cut a large ark shape from plywood, paint it up, mount it in the back of our van. I figure I'll cut an opening, like the door to the ark, for the kids to reach in and get the candy, stack dozens of stuffed animals on top.


We're even going to take our pet rabbit ("kangaroo") with us for the kids to pet, if they like!
You could do something like this (even a zoo or farm theme, would work) and have your children dress up as different animals. Hope this helps! God Bless you & your family!

By linda (Guest Post)
September 29, 20080 found this helpful

How about doing your trunk like a scary swamp and dressing up like swamp monsters?

September 29, 20080 found this helpful

How about an old theme? Like back in the 40's. People dressed more simple then.

By Marilyn (Guest Post)
September 29, 20080 found this helpful

Once we did a CHARLIE BROWN HALLOWEEN, no scary costumes, dogs, like snoopy were made from sheet and a rope for tail and black spots, Linus is easy watch the video (rent from local library, Lucy, blue dress from thrift store, Charlie brown back short thrift store orange shirt and paint the black, or do the white sheet ghost with the 2 holes for eyes use your imagination and play the games that are in the movie, apple dunking, blow up orange balloons for a pumpkin patch, take cardboard and build and easy plane for the red baron. You can let your imagination run free. Good Luck.


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September 29, 20080 found this helpful

How about country hicks 'n chicks?

September 30, 20080 found this helpful

At our church for our harvest party we use God's creations as the theme. The kids as well as the adults have the option to dress up as any of God's creations during the first 6 days. It's a lot of fun. Some come dressed as vegetables, animals, fish, plants, trees, stars, fruits, sun, clouds, rain, eagle, the world, Adam, Eve any many more.


We then group them to the correspondent creation day and have a parade. It's lots of fun to see the fun costumes.

October 4, 20080 found this helpful

You could be a cute 80s girl! Hope This Helps! -Lilly- Paris, France

By Lisa (Guest Post)
October 13, 20080 found this helpful

We did this and did the birth - death - rise of Christ. 1 (women with child, through Judas, Pilate, Angels and Christ in all white at the end. It worked great and at the car, the people told a verse to match the person they were dressed as.

By Kim (Guest Post)
October 19, 20080 found this helpful

I've done trunk or treat a couple of times. This year, I'm decorating with a beach theme. It is really cheap if you alreay have beach/pool stuff that your family uses. I'm thinking colorful beach towels, beach balls, small plastic pool with beach pails and shovels (perhaps even filled with sand), big umbrella, fish cutouts hanging from my opened SUV back door.


My husband and I are going to dress in "Hawaiian" garb and my 2 year old will be decked out in his swimsuit, pool shoes, sun hat, and will carry a beach pail as his treat collector.

By Lynne (Guest Post)
October 20, 20080 found this helpful

I did the farm for my car. Then I was dressed as a scarecrow. I used stuffed animals and the kids loved it. Actually they wanted the animals more than the candy. This year I will have lots that I have been picking up from the thrift stores really cheap. Have fun. Let me know what you end up doing. uniquewonderone AT

By Lora N (Guest Post)
October 22, 20080 found this helpful

We do Trunk-or-Treat every year at our church. Nothing scary. Just make it fun for the kids and each car has a small simple game. I put a sheet over a large piece of cardboard to have a flat surface over the back of my mustang and lined up my daughter's Care Bears with a Bible in front of them.


It's a caring Bible study group.

By Robin (Guest Post)
October 24, 20080 found this helpful

Last year my theme was "Tis so Sweet to Trust in Jesus" and I decorated the back of van with all kinds of "SWEETS". I hung a pastel sheet from the ceiling and draped it over boxes to set a cake stand, platter of cookies, candy dishes, etc. I also made colorful "lollipops" out of paper plates and wooden dowls and "hard candy" with small balloons about the size of a softball wrapped with cellaphane. It looked like Candyland. I wrote the verse "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding" on the lollipops.

By Debbie (Guest Post)
October 24, 20080 found this helpful

The first year we did Trunk or Treat at our church I decorated the back of my van in Christmas. We had a decorated small tree, lights, etc. I played a christmas cd in my cd player and my son dressed up in a santa costume and passed out the candy. This year I am decking my van out in the glow sticks that you snap. It will be dark and I will have them hanging everywhere. Should look pretty cool.

By Lyla in SC (Guest Post)
October 25, 20080 found this helpful

A friend of mine told me a woman at her church decorates her car with tons of frogs. The theme is Forever Rely On God - FROG. Some others have games for the kids to play to get the candy.

By Kat (Guest Post)
October 29, 20080 found this helpful

The Charlie Brown: Great Pumpkin is always a hit. You might even be able to get it on DVD and play it on the portable DVD player as the kids walk by.

By pc (Guest Post)
November 1, 20080 found this helpful

Had a great time at trunk or treat last night. Some of the trunks were Hillbilly (had granny in rocking chair stirring pot with dry ice), Jonah and the Whale (car covered to look like whale, kids stuck their hand into tote of cooked spagetti and jello and tried to pull out Jonah), Indians (set up teepee), Cowboys (campfire with candles to be shot out by watergun), The Great Pumpkin (showed the movie and was decorated with lot of pumpkins) Lazurus (used truck bed camper to resemble tomb and performed small skit of Jesus raising Lazurus every 20 mins) Luau (built tiki hut in truck bed and did the limbo) Fiery Furnance (cardboard box with heater and orange lights that kids could look into) 50's trunk, old-fashioned trunk, and more. Great success and the grown-ups liked it too. God Bless

October 31, 20090 found this helpful

I just thought of a great idea for my first trunk or treat. My son loves Transformers, so I am using them for my theme. I will use his action figures and decorations left over from his birthday party. I am going to center it around one of my favorite verses: Romans 12:2 (Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing for your mind).


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