
Unique Group Halloween Costume Ideas For Work?

I work for a credit union and we need help thinking of a unique Halloween costumes for a group contest.

Susie from Tyler, TX


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September 11, 20070 found this helpful

Hi Susie,
One year, about 10 friends and myself dressed up as Richard Simmons (1 person was R. Simmons) & Sweatin' to the Oldies. We had his video tape, practiced a few routines. We wrapped ourselves in bubble wrap (large and small bubbles, taped them to our legs, arms and waists. We then put on beige stocking or black tights, shorts & t-shirts, sneakers. We each put 2 large bubble gum balls in our cheeks, wore wigs, glasses. We went to a Halloween party,we brought our own boom box and had taped 3 songs, did our dance routines, won 1st place and had a blast. When I walked into my house, my husband said if he didn't see my car, he would have had no idea it was me walking into the house!

September 11, 20070 found this helpful

That sounds like a pretty good one. I think that we are going to do a theme with the Adams Family or Wizard of Oz, but thank you so much for you idea.


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 378 Feedbacks
September 11, 20070 found this helpful

Use a refrigerator carton, roll it into a cylinder, cover it with a bedsheet, keep a hole in the top and bottom and there you are: a giant roll of toilet paper!


My dad did pretty good last year with his long silver beard, in a black bathrobe tied with coarse rope, he was a monk. He carried a big dictionary and a walking stick.


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 378 Feedbacks
September 11, 20070 found this helpful

Also: wearing a dress from a thrift shop with a large apron I sort of roughed together, I decorated a hat with glue-gun and fake flowers, more fake flowers along the hem of the dress, a silhouette of a black lamb attached to the hem, and then I carried a PVC pipe shepherd's crook with ribbon on it and did Little Bo-Peep.

By Lisa from Lena, WI (Guest Post)
September 11, 20070 found this helpful

Have everyone dress as a different color in your box of crayons.

By Melissa (Guest Post)
September 11, 20070 found this helpful

You could go as a 6 pack of soda, whatever type you like. Enlarge the label from a 2 liter bottle and make a pattern. Lame' fabric is perfect and if you have a Joann's fabric there are always coupons you can use.


Use old quilt hoops for the top and bottom. Put cardboard on the top and spray paint silver and cut a hole for your head. I made my mom who is a teacher a Diet Coke can and it was a big hit.

September 11, 20070 found this helpful

How about dressing up as the cast from Scrubs (that TV comedy about the doctors and nurses) and your theme could sort of be "(Name of your credit union) Hospital - We take good care of your money!"

By U*u*U (Guest Post)
September 11, 20070 found this helpful

You didn't say how many in the group. How about:
101 Dalmations? Chicklettes gum? (white pillowcases) Red white & blue (flag)? bag of cheese doodles? (all in orange)

By LRP (Guest Post)
September 12, 20070 found this helpful

One year we dressed up as the characters of the wizard of oz. No matter how many there's plenty to pick from:Dorothy, witch, good witch, lion, scarecrow, tinman, toto the dog, munchkins, etc.

September 12, 20070 found this helpful

I guess I should have said that, we are competing with the other offices that are bigger. There is only 3 of us here and our name is ALTRA.


I am trying to think of something that would blow their socks off with only us 3.

September 12, 20070 found this helpful

Yes that one and the Adams family was in mind also.

September 12, 20070 found this helpful

Last year our department went as Snow White and the 5 dwarves and this year we might try all going as our favorite musicians (the boss wants to be Cyndi Lauper and I may try Madonna).

By chris (Guest Post)
September 23, 20070 found this helpful

We also have competitions for work. Last year's winners came dressed as a Drill Team. They dressed as construction workers and all had power drills. They did a drill routine where one person called out the orders. They had American flags taped to their drills and in the routine they would push the drill button and the flags would twirl.


Our group (which should have won) came as a "School of Fish" There are 30 of us! We all had the same shaped large cut out fish from two poster boards. The fish were stapled at the nose and tail going around our bodies. String was attached to the top of the fish body and looped over the shoulders to keep it up. Everyone had the same cut out fish but dressed like different types of fish. For example:
Clown fish was dressed like a clown and wore their fish
Angel Fish had a white gown, halo and wings and their fish.
A small group came as Dr. Suez's one fish, two fish, red fish blue fish. The first two had large and small numbers one and two taped all over their bodies, the other two were dressed in red and blue.
Anyway you get the idea. People were really clever and there are hundreds of different fish to choose from. I dressed as the octopus with a ruler attached to one tentacle, a piece of chalk in the other and I held a school bell. I led the "fish" in singing the ABC song. All the other departments then had to guess what kind of fish each person was.


This year there are 40 in my department! So if anyone has other ideas for a large group in a very competitive Halloween competition let me know.

By Pam (Guest Post)
September 26, 20070 found this helpful

Our math department dressed as the Umpa-loompas from Charlie and the Chocolate factory!

October 8, 20070 found this helpful

There are some really crafty people out there. I love all the ideas, I think I might do the R. simmons one. Anyway I did the wizard of oz one year, but we didn't have enough people so one person went as 2, One half of them was one character and the other half was another, we sewed the outfits together straight down the center, so each profile looked like a different person, You could try The three stooges, if there was only two of you, you could each dress up as a dime and be a paradime. O.K. maybe not, it was funny to me.:)

By allbark (Guest Post)
October 11, 20070 found this helpful

Our group did the "Rocky Horror Picture Show"
one year, including the Time Warp dance.


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 267 Posts
October 11, 20070 found this helpful

I've heard of each person dressing as a different color. At my husband's work, each department tends to dress up. They were Pirates of the Caribbean (he was Will). Another department were each a character from Gilligan's Island (there were 7 of them). And another department all dressed like their boss, an English lady who always wears a sweater with a scarf around her neck.


By omgFLIP (Guest Post)
November 24, 20070 found this helpful

Next year my group of friends has plans to be the seven deadly sins. (Gluttony, Lust, Wrath, Sloth, Envy, Pride, Greed)

If we can get another seven people, we might actually try having the seven holy virtues as well, because they're the opposite of the sins. (Chastity, Abstinence, Temperance, Diligence, Patience, Kindness, Humility)

By Ruth (Guest Post)
October 5, 20080 found this helpful

Last year 7 or us went as "BLACK EYED P's". We all blacked one eye, and make a big letter P for each of us out of cardboard, painted them green and hung them around our necks. It was very Cheap and easy, and we won a prize!

By (Guest Post)
October 6, 20080 found this helpful

I like the fish idea. Me and my colleagues would love it! Thanks-

By steph (Guest Post)
October 18, 20080 found this helpful

Three co-workers and I did the Original Spice Girls...McCormick Spices. I was Dill Weed, then Thyme, Apple Pie and Cinnamon. I had an afro and blacked out teeth, Apple Pie had blonde pig tails and pom poms, Thyme was an older looking character, and cinnamon had a feather boa and high heels. We used cardboard boxes, painted red with white poster board letters.

By mary-kate (Guest Post)
October 20, 20080 found this helpful

Go as a pack of skittles or M&M's. Have each person dress in a different color with a big 'M' or 'S' on their shirt. Or you could all be different candy bars and go as a party pack. Just throwing those ideas out there :]

By laura g. (Guest Post)
October 21, 20080 found this helpful

Last year at my school, four students got dressed up as Pac-Man and 3 ghosts. They came to school late on purpose and the ghosts proceeded to chase the Pac-Man back and forth across the football field so everyone was able to see out the window. Too funny!

By Guest (Guest Post)
October 28, 20080 found this helpful

This year our department is going to be a group going to the Price is Right. We have made up t-shirts with funny sayings related to our workplace. Yours could say "The Price is Right at (Bank Name)", "We love you Bob!", etc.

October 28, 20080 found this helpful

With the way the economy is, you could all go as bag ladies or bums...nah, that's just mean. How about a doctor and nurses, or just nurses. Or patients. A variety of doctors, nurses and patients. You can rent medical equipment at medical supply stores, but when I went as a patient one year, after having had 3 surgeries and telling everyone I was coming to work as myself, the medical supply place was excited to let me use an IV pole and didn't charge me anything.

Maybe something will spark a thought.

By Melissa (Guest Post)
November 3, 20080 found this helpful

If you have a group of 5 or more you can be an army. My friends and I were that this year. We went to the "army & navy" store right by my house. We all wore a black tank top layered with a camouflage shirt over it and added our own style to it (we cut the sides and tied them together, so cool), we wore denim shorts, a camo hat, dog tag, and a camo bandanna on our uggs.- which got completely ruined from shaving creme fights so don't wear those. :]


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